Re: package-cleanup gets carried away

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TNWestTex wrote:

rahulsundaram wrote:
TNWestTex wrote:
Ran package-cleanup --orphans on my F8 system that has been through several versions. It flagged a
list of my F8 rpm's that I think are really desired on the system as well
some from the older versions.  Things like cups, blas, crontab, cpp.

What gives?
Post the output. Don't make us guess.


Here it comes.  Piped through sort.
Orphans are packages that are installed on your system but not available 
in the repositories that are currently enabled on your system. It 
appears that you might not have updated your system and the older 
packages have been removed from your repository, from a previous version 
that you have locked or it has been misconfigured. Check output of yum 
repolist too.

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