Re: Fedora 9 on PS3: how to get rid of SELinux

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>Laszlo BERES wrote:

>    You have system-config-selinux, use it :)

>Pardon me, I didn't see PS3, I believe you have only text mode tools.

Because of my previous experience with Fedora 8, where yum/rpm made a real mess of 32 and 64 bit packages, I decided to only install the minimum and later on add the rest (double checking that yum/rpm does not flood the system with duplicates ppc/ppc64).
For the time being system-config-selinux does not exist. In which package is it?

A package with this name does not exist.
In Fedora 8 it is in system-config-firewall, which now does not have the option.


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