Re: No sound in F9

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Arch Willingham wrote:
I used F9 throughout the beta process on my laptop (Dell Inspiron 2200). The sound always worked. Today, I did a fresh install with this release of F9 but the sound no longer works. When I say it does not work, it only does not work in web based sound (MSN.COM,, etc). When I log in, it plays a small song, when I do some utilites, it makes a "bloop", "bloop" like it always has. I can also open mplayer and it will open and play sound files.

 I can't find the utility that used to test the sound card (from what I have been able to read system-config-soundcard was dropped). I foudn something that suggested I run "dmesg | grep sound" so when I do, I get this:

ALSA sound/pci/ac97/ac97_codec.c:2152: MC'97 1 converters and GPIO not ready (0xff00)

Any ideas?
If you are talking about lack of sound in Flash based websites, make 
sure you have libflashsupport installed as mentioned in the release notes.

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