Re: Fedora 9 Update Repositories

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Andrig T. Miller wrote:
I upgraded to Fedora 9 today, and after a pretty clean upgrade, I wanted to see if there were any updates. I found the new menu item System->Administration->Software Sources, and opened that application up. To my surprise there are only Fedora 9 - x86_64 - Test Updates and Fedora 9 - x86_64 - Test Updates Debug.
Looks like a repository misconfiguration.

Is this correct?  Shouldn't there be a Fedora 9 - x86_64, a Fedora 9 - 
x86_64 - Updates, etc., like there was for Fedora 8?  Is there a package 
that didn't get installed?
What's the output of

# yum repolist


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