Re: fedora 9 + kde 4 questions

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Arthur Pemberton wrote:
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Mike C <mike.cloaked@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Michal Janda <diskuse <at>> writes:

Hi all,I have few question which will make my live with F 9 and KDE 4 better1.
on GDM login screen, how should I set KDE session as default one? It still moves

Make a file /etc/sysconfig/desktop containing the following two lines:

Restart X abd then the new login manager will become effective, or reboot.

When you login it will be via kdm as the login manager and kde as desktop
At the login prompt you will be able to select a gnome session if you wish.
It can't possible still be necessary to use textfile manipulation to
get KDE by default
The login manager retains the settings if you switch your desktop 
environment. You can also use switchdesk which is a command line tool 
but has a gui too.
#yum search switchdesk

Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit

==================== Matched: switchdesk=============================

switchdesk.noarch : A desktop environment switcher for GNOME, KDE and
                  : AnotherLevel.
switchdesk-gui.noarch : A graphical interface for the Desktop Switcher.


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