Re: fsck

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Tod Merley wrote:

I would tend to set a flag checked by a utility inserted in the run
level one startup.  The script would then be able to accomplish the
whole thingl

Have Fun!


2008/3/25  <tony.chamberlain@xxxxxxxxx>:
Is there anyway to automate the following (all from one script):

     Boot to single-user mode (or whatever is required)
     run fsck
     reboot back to level 5 (or 3)

so that you can kick it off, go away,
come back an hour or so later and it'll
all be done (via IP)?

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I would tend to set a flag checked by a utility inserted in the run
level one startup.  The script would then be able to accomplish the
whole thingl
Er, a simple script:

	touch /.autofsck

will do it.  The system looks for /.autofsck when it boots.  If it finds
it, it fscks the filesystems, then deletes /.autofsck.  Check the main
startup script "/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit" for details.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                       rps2@xxxxxxxx -
- Hosting Consulting, Inc.                                           -
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