Re: firefox plugins

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John Thompson wrote:
On 2008-05-05, Gerhard Magnus <magnus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Fedora's Firefox looks in /usr/lib/firefox-, but some 3rd party plugin installers drop them in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. Just create sym-links from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins to /usr/lib/firefox-, e.g.:
ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/* /usr/lib/firefox-
Firefox is *supposed* to use an internal search path to look for 
plugins.  (According to the last Mozilla documentation I read) its 
supposed to include the current install directory (in this case 
/usr/lib/firefox-, a generic firefox location (usually 
/usr/lib/firefox/plugins) and the old mozilla directory 
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.  If Fedora is modifying this path, then they 
are changing users expectations, which usually is a bad thing.  However, 
I will agree with you.  I haven't had luck with the above either, and I 
usually end up putting symlinks in place to make it work the way I want 
it to.
Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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