Re: Keyring password

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Konstantin Svist wrote:
Bradley Pursley wrote:
Todd Zullinger wrote:
Bradley Pursley wrote:
Now I'd like to see if another annoying thing can be removed -
getting rid of the prompt for the keyring password.  Since my
machines are not used publicly, I have no desktop security issues to
worry about and would like to know how I can keep it from prompting
me for it in the first place.  Any ideas how to automate or remove
It's possible to have a login keyring which is unlocked automatically
when you login.  This requires you to set the keyring's passphrase to
the same passphrase as your login passphrase.
Well, I tried all of that but it didn't make any difference. I still have to go through the keyring password prompt. Fortunately, it is only a nuisance but it would be nice to get rid of it.

To reduce the annoyance, set the keyring password to a single space - 
if nothing else, it's fast to enter and easy to remember...
Thanks, but turns out to be easier to remember if it is the same as the 
login password.


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