Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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max bianco wrote:
 > Yeah. Kind of like that. There are several 'same
 > threads' that rise from the
 > ashes at release time, float for a while, and, as
 > interest wanes, eventually
 > die out. Only to rise again next release.  ;-)
 All it takes is a small spark and the cycle begins
 again.  Then it dies out, and comes back again.  Kind
 of like Haley's Comet which crosses Earth's path every
 76 years.  These threads come back every so often.
 They are like cyclic groups in Abstract Algebra. :)

 Many pros/Many cons. Nobody wins :(

Do these threads get bigger or smaller when they recycle?

Depends I think. On just how many users *really* did switch to Ubuntu.  ;-)

Wait for the mp3 and CD/DVD codecs stuff to start. They last for weeks. Sometimes with the same people on different threads about that same subject(s).


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