Re: moving /home

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Michael Hennebry wrote:
I want to move /home to another internal disk.
I know how to make the partition and to copy files to it.
What I'm not sure of is how to change things so that
the new partition automatically mounts as /home .
If I edit fstab and reboot will it stick?
Is fstab the point of truth or
will some program "fix" it for me?

I've read that editing fstab is the way to go,
but I've also read that fstab is edited by programs.

Yes, editing /etc/fstab will do the trick. There are GUIs that will edit it for you, but I normally do it by hand if I want to change something after the initial install. There used to be programs that would add/remove mount points for removable media like USB "pen" drives, but that method isn't used any more.

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