Re: re-enabling hyperthreading

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Michael Hennebry wrote:
Way back when I was running FC3, I used the BIOS
to disable hyperthreading in my Pentium 4.
It stopped system crashes that,
IIRC, I was told had something to do with my LCD monitor.
I never understood the problem or the solution.

I recently installed FC8.
At the time, hyperthreading was turned off.
Assuming that the previous problems are fixed,
is it safe to re-enable hyperthreading on a
system that was installed with it turned off?
HT is run-time detected and uses the same kernel. You shouldn't have any 

As for the safety issue, you were probably hitting a graphics driver bug 
(Nvidia, perhaps) that has long since been fixed.  Lots of people are using HT 
with LCD monitors, even with proprietary video drivers, without problems.
-- Chris

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