Re: Java + Firefox

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Knute Johnson wrote:
Knute Johnson wrote:

Should the Firefox Java plugin work with Fedora-8 IcedTea Java?
Does anyone have it working?
Is there some setting one has to make?
It works fine but there are some things it doesn't do.  Check to see
if it is installed and registered, type "about:plugin" in the address
line of Firefox and press <ENTER>.  You should see an entry for the
Java plugin.

If you need full functionality for Java you need to get Sun's Java.
See my website for instructions to get and install it.
Thanks for your help.
Your document is very lucid.

I do actually have "GCJ Web Browser Plugin 1.4",
which says "The GCJ Web Browser Plugin executes Java applets".

But I don't actually have any urgent need to see Java applets with Firefox,
so I guess I'll wait until everything works with IcedTea (Fedora 9?).
Don't quote me but I heard that IcedTea had been dropped for OpenJDK 
in F9.  Not exactly sure what that means to the end user but we'll 
all find out here soon.
java-1.7.0-icedtea has been replaced by java-1.6.0-openjdk. OpenJDK 
contributes ~99% of the code in the java-1.6.0-openjdk package and 
IcedTea continues to provide autotools support, a portable interpreter 
for ppc and ppc64 support, plugin support, Web Start support and 
patches to integrate OpenJDK into Fedora. The IcedTea sources are 
included in the java-1.6.0-openjdk SRPM
One of the big advantages of loading Sun's Java is that it comes with 
Java Web Start, which is not available from IcedTea.
If you want to test IcedTea's plugin to see if it is working, hit the 
little "Home" image in the upper right corner of the how-to web.  
That will take you to some sample Java programs and applets.


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