Re: [RFE] Red bikeshed

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Tim wrote:
On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 16:45 +0100, Bill Crawford wrote:
In view of the increasing prevalence of users with impaired colour
vision I would like to suggest changing the boot sequence to use blue
to indicate failure to start a service.
Blue can be worse for some people.  I would think that if you wanted a
more universal non-colour solution, to use inverse video for failure
warnings.  That'd really stick out like a sore thumb.

I'm not sure that you'd have to rewrite all the init scripts, just the
one that starts things and reads in the results.

Just curious, but is the lack of an obvious "OKAY" message not useful?

Just a suggestion, could the fail have some spaces added before it to 
make it stand outside the direct line of ok's?
[   fail]

Now colour becomes a smaller issue and it stands out quite well.

Robin Laing

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