Re: F77: where is it?

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Paul Smith schrieb:
On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Manuel Aróstegui <manuel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 > I am trying to run the following command:
 > f77  -c myprog.f
 > make: f77: Command not found
 > How can I get f77 on F8?

 You have to install gcc-g77 to get it.
Thanks, Manuel. Tried that, but

# yum install gcc-g77
Plugin "gpgcheck" uses deprecated constant TYPE_INTERFACE.
Please use TYPE_INTERACTIVE instead.
Loading "gpgcheck" plugin
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
No package gcc-g77 available.
Nothing to do

Any further ideas?



yum lis t "*gcc*"

which will list you all packages, that contain the substring "gcc". With this command you can find out how your packages are exactly called.
Greets Boris

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