Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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Paul Shaffer wrote:
Fedora has become a niche oddity in the Linux distro field because
they view the vast majority of potential users as scapegoats for some
holier than thou OS delusion.

I though Fedora was a "niche" distribution from the beginning. It has been aimed to the more technical user from the beginning. It tries new things, and sometimes breaks things. It counts on users to help find bugs, and report them.
Linux is about choice. Different distributions are aimed at 
different user bases. I have never understood the insistence of some 
people that all distribution must be designed for the lowest common 
denominator or must compete for the largest market share in all 
areas. I feel a distribution is a success if it fills the needs of 
its target audience. Fedora seems to be doing this.

  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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