Re: Rawhide to Fedora 9?

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kwhiskerz wrote:
I installed Fedora 9beta to a virgin partition and have kept up with all of the updates. Somewhere along the way, I noticed that /etc/fedora-release now shows Fedora release 9 (Rawhide). I also use Livna and it is using the development repo.
My question is:

If I leave the Fedora repos now already using Fedora 9, Fedora-updates 9 and switch to Livna 9 a few days before the release date of Fedora 9, will I have Fedora 9, without any cruft? My hope is that I will not need to reinstall.
I did this for FC5, and I'm doing it on another machine for F9.  When F9 
becomes officially released, all you need to do is install the F9 
fedora-release RPM from the F9 release.  You can even (upgrade) install 
it via a URL using rpm.  That will fix your Fedora yum repositories for 
you.  Then you will no longer be on rawhide.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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