Re: Tools like MRTG for broadband bandwidth meter

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Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sat, 2008-04-26 at 08:49 +0200, Manuel Aróstegui wrote:
El sáb, 26-04-2008 a las 11:01 +0530, yogesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx escribió:
hi all

i want tools like mtrg that measure the bandwidth and graph.
 problem with mrtg is its work only with routers and i have broadband
that connected to(bypass username/password) pc directly.

so can anybody give me some info .....


Ntop doesn't appear to exist in the "usual" repos (fedora, freshrpms,
livna). Is there any deep reason for this?


If you want to monitor your local network usage, either install net-snmp or just 
 write a trivial application to read and process /proc/net/dev ever few minutes 
or so, this is what net-snmp reads for its data, and counts all outbound network 
traffic on a given machine.
Probably because it is more of a expert user-admin tool rather than a common 
user admin tool.
It keeps track of traffic by protocol, traffic by in and outbound hostname, and 
quite a bit of other stuff, and it rather cpu intensive (it is a full sniffer). 
  Probably not something you want to run except on a non-dedicated full-linux 
firewall, which is probably why it is not in a repo.
If you had a number of users on your network that you wanted to keep track of 
you could run this, or you could run a full proxy server to be able to carefully 
monitor things.

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