Re: msttcorefonts

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Trying it is not really an answer, as it will be informative if it
doesn't work on some doc (testing can show the presence of bugs, not
their absence, etc. etc.). If the point is to have the same metrics, the
publicity should say so explicitly.
Sure it does.

"Red Hat contracted with Ascender Corp., one of the leading commercial developers of fonts, to develop a set of fonts that are metrically equivalent to the key Microsoft fonts."
Well, I didn't scour the Web looking for references to Liberation fonts.
I read the page you sent ( where it
says nothing about metrics. Who reads press releases?
You were referring to "publicity". Press releases are a good example of 
that and says what you wanted explicitly. Problem solved.
But nobody believes them without some peer review.  Where do we find 
that?  Hmmm, it would be neat if distros had something like Amazon's 
'customer review' sections for each package that they offer.
 Les Mikesell

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