RE: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, bruce wrote:

oh god...

lawd, here we go again!! in san fran, bottom posting is cool...

i thing someone also stated that they once prefered side posting as well...

this thing happens a couple of times a year.. when the posting police on
various sites say "here's the correct" way to post dammit!!

nothing new here.. move on...!!


<<snip the posting police for brevity>>
<<bottom posting to reduce posting police anoyance>>
<<begging forgiveness because I'm _sure_ I will do something wrong>>

Nothing New Here?? time to move on...??

Come on! This is all the entertainment in some people's lives, and the only exercise some others seem to get.
Ok. I'll go crawl under a rock with the rest of us vermin...

(And for the posting police - taking your critiques _off_ _list_ would at least help calm the noise level down around here. For a Fedora oriented list, Fedora issues seem to be relatively minor content.)
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