Re: setting time zone in redhat bugzilla

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Milos Jakubicek wrote:
Hi all,

maybe it is a stupid question and I just didn't notice something, but:

Is there any way, how to setup a different time zone than EST in Redhat bugzilla? (Even UTC would be better...:)
Thanks for pointing to the right place, if there is any,

Timezone is set during the initial install, but is quite easily changed 
any time.
/etc/localtime is a file that the system utilities and libraries all use 
to determine the timezone.  This file is sometimes a softlink, but is 
most often a copy os a timezone file found in: /usr/share/zoneinfo
The procedure is simple, and almost painless.

To change the system timezone from whatever it is to Mountain Daylight Savings time, for example:
# cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/MST7MDT /etc/localtime

Thats it! Unfortunately, only applications that start after that file change, get the new time. To make everything ok, a reboot is necessary.
Good luck!

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