Re: Fedora 9 KDE Preview Help

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Ralph De Witt wrote:
Hi all:
I just installed Fedora 9 KDE Preview and I am impressed with Distribution. I have never run Fedora in the past, have been a Kubuntu fan, so I am a little lost. Were can I find the latest versions of Googleearth and Skype? I also need to get my wma's and avi files running, so will also need to get the proper codecs. I hope some one can point me to the appropriate repositories and help we get them installed to the software updater. Thanks for your help and a excellent distribution

You may need to wait until the official release of F9 before the third-party repositories are completely up to speed - and possibly a little longer (I haven't checked this myself, but it's been my experience in the past).
You can get the codecs you want via
although not everything will use them yet.

when the repositories are up to date, the place I tend to get the 'non-free' elements is livna -

Stuart Sears RHCA etc.

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