Re: fedora 9 pre release

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Gene Heskett wrote:
On Friday 18 April 2008, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
lostson wrote:
 Hey All
 I loaded the f9 pre release today and there is no system-config-soundcard
where has this gone ?
Removed. Refer

If your sound card doesn't work out of the box, file a bug report.

And for those of us who use the onboard sound for skype/ekiga/etc, and another 
GOOD pci card for everrything else, there should be a reminder to save ones 
modprobe.conf someplace safe, cuz I'll bet you a 12 pack f9 will screw that 
up royally.  One size does not fit all, Rahul.  Never will.
If by "screw up royally" you mean that given a choice of two sound cards and a video capture card which has only DMA sound and needs magic software to do anything, and chooses the TV card as "the" sound card... if that's what you mean, you're right.
Feels like Fedora is trying to be ubuntu, or Windows, and do everything 
for the user without asking. Clearly this is a philosophical issue, and 
removing the ability to make a choice with sound is not a "bug" but a 
"design decision for ease of use" and will be justified "to avoid 
confusing non-technical users."
I chose Fedora over other distros because I could configuring it without 
having to fight with defaults, and the system offered useful 
suggestions, not mandates. Then came NetMangler, and it took hours to 
really get that piece of crap not only removed but not missed by 
applications which reported "no network" if NM wasn't choosing which 
connections I could use. Now sound is gone, too? I haven't tried the 
beta, the alpha is on one machine with minimal sound hardware, and made 
a good decision to use the one card it found.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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