Re: Fedora 6 Disk Space

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Kam Leo wrote:
On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 8:13 AM, Bruce Z <wz332@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 >Why don't you install the Linux version of the Matlab ?
 Yes, I am downloading the linux version of Matlab.  The problem now is that
 the fedora using vmware only allocates virtual space of 7.8GB which are all
 used up.  I need a way to reallocate so I can get more space to get the
 matlab installed.

 On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Bruce Z <wz332@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 >  Recently I was trying to install MATLAB software under vmware-fedora 6
 > and
 >  found the disk space was not sufficient.  I checked out on the volume
 >  manager and found that the volume space was limited to 7.8 GB (where the
 >  actual hard drive disk space was 18GB).  I would like to reallocate the
 > disk
 >  space so to increase the volume space for fedora.  It would be
 > appreciated
 >  if any one tell me how how to do it, thanks.

You did not specify which VMware product that you are using. If you
are using Workstation just create/add another virtual disk/partition
to your VM.
or if server, can expand an ext3fs with vmware-vdiskmanager, while the guest is not running. boot the guest into a rescue cd. use parted to make the partition larger to fill the disk {or use riplinux and gparted}.

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