Re: Biometrics

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max bianco wrote:
2008/4/17 Chris <racerx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:44:58 -0700
 Rick Stevens <ricks@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

 > Chris wrote:
 > > Greetings,
 > >
 > > I have this nifty laptop that I removed XP from but would love to
 > > use the fingerprint reader.
 > >
 > > Is there such software to use w/Fedora?
 > Depends on the scanner.  On my HP DV6000, libfprint works.  It's an
 > AuthenTec scanner with a USB ID of 08ff:2580.

 I'm guessin not then. Modprobe uinput returns nothing and dmsg isn't
 much help either.

 Best regards,


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Last time I looked the fingerprint scanners were easy to trick. I
chalked it up to a waste of time to even bother with it. They any
better now? I 'll see if I can dig up the how-to, I'm sure someone
will ask. Now a retinal scanner that would be fun to play with and
hopefully hard to impossible to beat.


Hi (sorry for my English),

I'm using the fingerprint without problems with fedora 8. Is very useful for the term and launch sudo commands.
If the laptop is a thinkpad you can get some information searching for 
your model at.

I don't know If it works with another kind of laptop.


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