Re: ****Re: ****Re: ****Re: ****Re: ****Help installing Fedora 8 on iMac G3

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After 24hrs stuck on the openoffice core file? The computer had stopped communicating with the modem so I started it again, but with a custom install leaving out openoffice.
The other thing that just occurred to me is that the modem firewall 
could be causing a problem. I keep forgetting that it has its own as I 
have separate firewalls running on all the computers.
Craig White wrote:
I was hoping that it was still downloading the rest of the packages and
that you haven't interrupted because it should eventually finish.


On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 12:15 +1100, Catherine Fitzgerald wrote:
Yep. I'm just going to leave it for now and wait a few days before I try again. Thanks for all your help.
Craig White wrote:
Might as well let it go as I would expect that their 24 window of
bandwidth limiting will expire.

I'm also thinking that the same bandwidth limiting would occur if you
download the DVD - that is 3.9 Gb which I would assume to be larger than
the bandwidth required to do the install via http.


On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 07:11 +1100, Catherine Fitzgerald wrote:
lol... we are talking Telstra here, they are not known for being sympathetic.
If it hasn't got any further tonight I will start looking at other 
installation options. Either a custom install without Openoffice (and 
install it later) or a varient on Tim's idea and somehow make my pc a 
repository, then just do some sort of network connection to it instead. 
I'm not quite sure how to go about that, but I'll figure it out eventually.
Craig White wrote:
I would call them and beg for a 24 hour window of 'unlimited' to
accomplish the task at *might* get someone sympathetic to
your plight.


On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 06:15 +1100, Catherine Fitzgerald wrote:
Some progress yes, but at the moment its taking forever (and I mean forever - over 12hrs now) to install the openoffice core. I think my ISP has throttled my download speed to almost nothing (the price of cheap unlimitted broadband is that when Telstra slows it down once you hit a certain amount, they really slow it down). The progress report (ctrl-alt-F3) has no errors, and the computer is still ticking away and talking to my modem. Basically, the install is at 65%, with another 200 odd packages to install, and I'm hoping it's just a matter of being extremely patient and hoping that when I get home from work tonight it will have got a bit further.
Oh, and I am using the text mode install

Craig White wrote:
Any progress?


On Sun, 2008-03-30 at 09:26 +1100, Catherine Fitzgerald wrote:
Ok, shall do that before trying to write another CD

Craig White wrote:
On Sat, 2008-03-29 at 15:09 -0700, Craig White wrote:

#1 - burn the CD at the slowest speed possible. When you burn a CD on a
system with a high speed CD writer and then try to use that CD on an
older, slower CD drive, you will have file errors.

#2 - Your step 3 should have worked. Were you in GUI or text mode when
going through the installation steps (anaconda)?
I should add that I have installed Fedora 7 on an iMac G3 and Fedora 8
on a G4 so I truly believe that it should work though I have to confess
that I have my own local repositories and only use the ppc/boot.iso to
get the first stage boot and then finish booting and run the installer
and get the packages from my local repo.

Suggest that you boot the rescue cd again and at the prompt 'boot'

type 'linux askmethod'

and use...

http protocol
http server:
path:        /pub/fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/ppc/os/

and try installing...if this hangs, don't quit but get back to me and
tell me if you are running in GUI mode or text mode



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