Re: BackupPC

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Thomas Kappelmueller wrote:
Timothy Murphy wrote:
Is there a reasonably-recent Fedora-oriented tutorial or howto on BackupPC anywhere on the net?
(I have been reading the widely-cited Debian tutorial
at <>.)

I've been backing up with a rather simple-minded rsync script,
but thought I'd go over to something more sophisticated.

I wonder what alternative backup programs people would recommend
for Fedora-8, and if possible for CentOS-5.1 too.
(Sadly, BackupPC does not seem to be available for CentOS.)

Any suggestions or advice gratefully received.

I have been using "rdiff-backup" for about 1 year now.

It does differential backups and it is very easy to use and setup.

Sadly there is no package in CentOS.

I checked, it is a python script. Shouldn't be a problem to port it to CentOS.
Backuppc is a perl script (or a few) and not at all hard to install on 
CentOS.  The storage philosophy is a bit different between the two. 
Backuppc will hardlink and eliminate duplicate copies of files across 
target machines but a small change in a big file makes another complete 
(compressed) copy.  Rdiff-backup will only match duplicates with 
previous copies from the same place but small changes in big files are 
saved as differences.
  Les Mikesell

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