Re: fedora package v upstream source

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Mustafa Qasim wrote:
I have always only used their version since *fedora also hack out bits of
openoffice code they dont want in for their as per usual political BS*, so
using OO directly from OO you actually get the complete full OpenOffice, it
alsoc performs more smoothly I've found.

Hey buddy what does it mean...? Does packaging software for Fedora mean that
we didn't get the real flavor of that software but a censored/edited one?
No, yes.

Fedora's policy is for a complete open source distribution. If upstream have parts of their code that have incompatible licensing {no license, ambiguous or too restrictive}, then the fedora package might exclude that part. Packagers usually contact the upstream project to try to get clarifications on such issues, sometimes even to convince them to use a less restrictive license.
Secondly, many times upstream source won't build into a buildable, 
runnable, useful rpm for Fedora, and packagers need to work out ways to 
make it work.
Thirdly, Fedora packagers may develop compilation/build and or source 
patches to get the package working in Fedora. We try to get the patch 
accepted and included upstream, but it is not uncommon for patches to 
stay in upstream queue for months/ years/ never. Instead of continuing 
with a broken build or crashing app, Fedora does release with a patch, 
including those submitted upstream, but not yet included in a release.
Fourthly, patented algorithms /code will never be included in Fedora. 
Instead of excluding the whole package, the Fedora community has 
generally tried to work with upstream to make it possible to remove the 
patented/problematic code, but in such a way that the functionality can 
be added back to the software with an external package {in locations 
where the patent doesn't apply etc}.
A fifth difference is our policy to exclude statically linked libraries 
from Fedora builds. This means that calls to a specific library will be 
calling the Fedora packaged library, rather than a copy of the library 
that upstream may have taken internally. This reduces compiled code size 
{eg for one I'm working on: the application executable is 550kB rather 
than 4500kB}. It also means that when the library is patched to fix bugs 
or security issues, that all packages using that library will benefit 
from the update {and be protected security wise}. This is a time saver 
in both patch management and security risk assessment.
By the way, because Fedora is a fully open project, you may choose to 
browse the package spec file, eg:

Indeed if you have packaging or coding skills, can supply patches, or have found bugs or Requests For Enhancements etc, you are most welcome to join the Fedora community:


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