newbie question : FC to FC sharing via SAMBA

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Hi All,
I was using freenas for a NAS before but decided that the software RAID of FC would suit me more so I shifted to FC 7 with Samba share. The network is mostly windows based and just used workgroups with no domain controller. All windows machines have zero problems with the FC 7 NAS machine (read/write/access/etc). I recently installed a new FC8 machine and it can't authenticate versus the FC7 NAS Samba share and therefore cannot access it. The FC8 itself can create a share and have the windows boxes access that with zero problems. We put up another FC8 machine just to see if it could connect to the other FC8 machine and it can't too. Sorry but our interface is mostly gui based. We've been able to compile postgres and pgadmin and figure out some FC8 tweaking but we are really newbies. Trying to google this but the keywords escape us at the moment. Thanks in advance.


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