Re: IP translation

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tony.chamberlain@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I need a MAGIC BOX to do this

------ IP ADD 1, PORT 1 ---->   MAGIC BOX -----> IP ADD 2, PORT 2
(eg convert something like to something like
but this is just an example).

Can anyone suggest anything? Preferably with a router (we have Linksys BEFSX41)
or with CentOS 4.5 (would have to be on the outgoing side).
The IP change is called "NAT" (network address translation) and the port
change is called "port forwarding".  90% of all routers can do both.  I
know your Linksys can...look at the "virtual servers" section.

What it actually will be used for is to run 100 or so instances of mysql on the same machine but on different ports. Then each instance of mysql will have its onw logical
IP address.
Uh, why not set up the box with 100 aliased IPs and have each MySql
instance listen on one of the aliases via the "bind-address" option
in the various "my.cnf" files you're going to end up using?  You don't
need NAT or port forwarding for that at all.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                       rps2@xxxxxxxx -
- Hosting Consulting, Inc.                                           -
-                                                                    -
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