Re: Raid Card controller for FC System

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Joe Tseng wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Albert Graham" <agraham@xxxxxxx>
To: "For users of Fedora" <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: Raid Card controller for FC System

I've used both on many occasions, but I prefer a good hardware raid controller, I like the idea that data integrity does not rely on my personal "expertise" or access at the time shit hits the fan, so for example, if a disk fails I can call the data center and say unplug disk #2 and plug in the spare disk (assuming no hot spare) thank you boodbye, I can then head back to the beach :)
Now, I know in your case it is for home use, but hey the link I 
posted you was top of the range card for only $300 and it does what 
it says on the tin :)
My inquiry was due to wondering how dependable was the data integrity 
in a soft RAID if my system drive craps out.  I thought my data would 
be safer if the RAID was less dependent on the system.  I suppose any 
corruption in a soft RAID after replacing a failed drive is very rare, 
right?  That is right, RIGHT?!?!?!  *anxietyattack*
Right :) - The very least you can expect - its primary function.

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