On Tuesday 25 March 2008, Valent Turkovic wrote: >Here are tinyurls for two longest ones: > >Fedora Google Summer Of Code 2008 Ideas: >http://tinyurl.com/3yt9hk > >MDK: State of Diva: >http://tinyurl.com/2sdufn Which is too bad, but he is correct, the framework just isn't there. I see lIVES and Open Movie Editor were both mentioned in the comments, and while the GUI for either was decent, the ability to recover from errors wasn't. I was handed a project that I really should have figured out a way to get it into kino & just do soome cuts editing, but made the mistake of trying lIVES first, and was two days into the thing when the audio completely disappeared from my hard drive, and was not findable by either program, or by mc even. I had already given the src materials back at that point so I scrapped the project. I use kde here, and everytime I've tried to fool with gstreamer, its been a disaster. Possibly of my own making, but a disaster nontheless. I don't like stuff that takes over un-related functions and destroys my ability to watch cnn videos etc without leaving enough clues behind to allow a gracefull recovery, so after getting burnt twice, I now skip any gstreamer updates that show up in yumex. >-- >http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com/ >linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless >registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org. >ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic -- Cheers, Gene "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) Preserve the old, but know the new.