Re: OT? Help to compile program - ac_nonexitent.h

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Robin Laing wrote:
Todd Zullinger wrote:
Robin Laing wrote:
I am doing this at home so I cannot remember the last error message. I spent most of last night getting rid of all but four error messages in the config.log file. I was missing many headers at first as well as other things like bison and yacc. Some simple things as well.
The last two times I tried to run, it stopped with error messages but 
that was before I got rid of even more missing items in the log.
Hopefully tonight I will be able to get an answer.  I am expecting an 
error related to vfork as it is may be looking for the wrong header.  I 
will have to check the config file (another new experience). :)

While it compiled after some finger problems and ran okay.  I didn't fix 
the vfork warning.  Now to start looking at making rpm's.
It would be nice to find out a definitive answer on ac_nonexitent.h 
though.  Seeing many, many posts on this error with no definitive answer 
is an issue.  What list/forum would be a good place to ask?

Robin Laing

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