Re: Updating respins

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Bill Davidsen wrote:
While jigbo is better than full downloads of respin images, on fast moving releases I find that there are still a boatload of changes to make after only a few weeks. I wind up doing a Unity install from a recent respin, and then mounting a repository of recent upgrades and updating again.
Since I have to burn a repository DVD before going to do an install, 
it would be nice if there were an easy way to just generate an update 
respin of my own, with just the updates we have done in the office 
(not maintaining a full rsync mirror).
I have the feeling that there should be such a way, and that someone 
is way ahead of me on this, the "Live CD" stuff doesn't seem to be 
quite what I want, I need to update the most recent respin with 
whatever any system in the office has saved in its yum cache, and make 
an updated install DVD.
Note: I do installs in places with poor network connections, install 
from a DVD or even the CD set, is the practical way.
There are several methods for doing this.  Personally, I prefer pungi.

Our goal was to prepare a thumb drive that a level 1 tech could use to install or upgrade a computer on site without help desk intervention.
This includes our custom OS build, as well as custom applications.

We accomplished all of our goals simply.

Once a few things are set up, it takes about 10 minutes of my time. This is what I run to roll a distro for release to the field ops:
cd ~/pungi
sudo rm -fr F8 logs work
sudo pungi -c dev-8 --ver=F8 --flavor=FJ --nosource
cp ~/pungi/F8/FJ/i386/iso/Fedora-F8-i386-DVD.iso /media/images
sudo dd if=~/pungi/F8/FJ/i386/os/images/diskboot.img of=/dev/sdc1
sudo ~/

The entire process takes about an hour to run on my laptop. The result is a thumb drive all set up for custom installs.
The setup entails:

A custom kickstart file (called dev-8 in my example)
A local repository of rpms to install, including local or custom rpms. pungi will cache these, so the bulk can be internet based if you choose. That way pungi will only pick up the changes from the list you specified in your custom kickstart file.
That last item on the above list is a script I wrote to embed our custom 
kickstart files onto the boot image.
That is not a lot of effort.

Good luck!

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