On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 00:54 -0500, Ric Moore wrote: > I spotted Tim's post where he posted > [tim@bigblack ~]$ uname -ipr > i686 i386 Prior kernel: My processor: i686 (Intel Pentium Centrino family) Hardware platform: i386 (family, my computer is generically i386) > So, in monkey see monkey do fashion I did the same > and I got: > [wayward4now@iam ~]# uname -ipr > athlon i386 Current kernel: Your processor: athlon Hardware platform: i386 Clue: Since man uname doesn't detail what the output format is, just the options you can use, separately do "uname -r", "uname -p", "uname -i" to see what parts answer what options. > I don't see i686 in there. But the rpm that I scarfed from Koji's site > was: kernel- If you look at the repos, they segregate packages into i386 (and better), or 64 bit. They don't have a separate i386 and special i686 packages for everything, just some things that it would be a benefit for. In this case, it seems i586 is the lowest kernel package. And i386 being the generic platform descriptor for all the 32 bit stuff. > Just wondering where my i686 has gotten to or if "athlon" sez all If you'd had uname -m, you'd have seen i686. That's my take on things, at least. I put that signature in so that, hopefully, each message identifies what the machine is running on, in case it's helpful for any diagnosis. It's a script that runs uname, and puts the results into the email, it's not boilerplate, so I never have to update it. The script is something like the following: #!/bin/bash # Evolution automatic signature script echo "<div>-- br>" uname -ipr echo "</div>" And my boilerplate stuff is another echo "<p>" block of commands. Evolution uses HTML in editing, even if the posting will end up being plain text, hence using HTML to get the line breaks in the right places. The mail program does the conversion before sending. And before anybody asks, the machine is called "bigblack" because it's inside a big black box. There are no naughty connotations in the name... ;-) -- (This computer runs FC7, my others run FC4, FC5 & FC6, in case that's important to the thread.) Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored. I read messages from the public lists.