I installed FC8 and Postfix-2.5.5-2.fc8
Postfix runs well
I can stop, start or restart it without problems.
When I shutdown the system (shutdown -h now), postfix sayes "FAILLED"
Can you help me?
Can you check the file /var/log/maillog and identify the
difference between a shutdown and a service stop ?
I installed FC8 and only Postfix-2.5.5-2.fc8 again in an other PC and there
are the same problems
When I stop postfix (service postfix stop--> OK) it writes in maillog, but
when I shutdown the system, the postfix-stop doesn't write in maillog.
The messages during shutdown are:
Start Killall:
Stop postfix: FAILED
Sendig all processes the TERM signal
I thing the problem is in Killall. but I hven't any idea