Re: Loop FS help please.

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Todd Zullinger wrote:
clemens@xxxxxxx wrote:
For some reason, I seem to have a mental block when trying to do a
mount of a loop filesystem.

I have a copy of the f8 iso on disk, I would like to look inside of
it.  Im sure that I can do that with a magic mount ... -o loop= ...
but cant seem to get it right.
In addition to using mount, which requires root privs, you could also
use fuseiso to mount as a normal user.  You can even use file-roller
(the Gnome Archive Manager) to open and poke around in iso files.

I tried several of the suggested methods and the one with -t does not work. With the t removed this works fine:
mount  <isofile> /mnt/point/here -o loop

It is a bit easier to remember too. And my testing was on F8.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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