Re: Remote Desktop: the recipe.

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John Summerfield wrote:

1. The subject. I thought you were talking about connecting to a Windows desktop.
2. I use KDE
3. You didn't persuade me it's better than VNC.
What he describes is VNC - just the gnome variation (vino) and it 
doesn't get copy/paste right with a windows client.  The KDE flavor is 
I've read it again, understanding improves with a second reading:-)

It might use vnc as the mechanism, but it's not what most users would think of as "remote desktop."
More like desktop sharing.
I'm not sure I understand your distinction.  This is a way to connect to 
 the running session on the console.  There are other ways, and 
different approaches if you want separate and/or multiple sessions 
independent from the console.
  Les Mikesell

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