Re: Double messages

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Karl Larsen wrote:
Lamar Owen wrote:
On Tuesday 22 January 2008, Karl Larsen wrote:
    The way to send every message I get to another person is done in the
Tools -> Message Filters GUI system. I can't send pictures because they
are removed by the Fedora list. So I words here is what you do.
This is far from the only way to do this, incidentally.  Doubling of 
messages can be easily set up in a mailserver (either sendmail or 
postfix or other), in somebody's procmail recipes, and several other 
different ways.
They could even mail-bomb, in that they could send an endless number 
of messages your way, should someone desire to do so.
But without the headers of the actual message duplicates that you are 
getting it is impossible to tell.  What you need to be able to 
determine how and why the dupes are occurring is look in the full 
headers, specifically in the Return-path and Received: headers.  If 
you've never traced e-mail headers before, there are a number of folks 
here who can if you'd like to send the full headers (headers only) in 
a message; you can start by sending it to me privately (not via the 
list) and then perhaps to the list, depending upon where the issue 
might lie (it could, for whatever reason, be related to the Fedora 
infrastructure issues/upgrades that have been happening lately, but it 
might not, too).
But without seeing the headers and tracing the Received: trail you 
haven't proved the someone IS doing this just because you found one of 
the many ways that this CAN be done.  The possibility does not make 
the certainty.
Hi, I will look for a way to show full headers on Thunderbird. I will forward two identical messages to your address. Perhaps this will solve this mess.

Press CTRL-U to see all headers in tbird.

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