Re: livna video drivers for idiots

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Michael A. Peters wrote:
On some forum today, a claim was made that Ubuntu should be used if you want to use nvidia drivers because Fedora is difficult to install them in.
I have nothing against Ubuntu (except for their sudo defaults and lack 
of a root passwd by default, but that's another discussion) but that 
statement about fedora just wasn't true. So I detailed the four or 
five lines it takes  in a terminal to get the livna packaging 
installed and configured, and the argument then was that it still was 
too hard.
If some people really feel that way - well, I guess it could be made 
I don't have a fedora box at the moment so I have only dry run tested 
this script in CentOS - but perhaps someone running Fedora can fine 
tune this and get it up onto a useful wiki?
Some problem is there I agree ..In ubuntu you get a restricted drivers manager which is very easy as compared to fedora's yum install kmod-nvidia from livna..A normal user won't be able to find that command easily or may not even take the efforts to do that...Also Compiz fusion is easier to install on ubuntu as compared to fedora...Some work needs to be done here..But still i love fedora! I guess fedora should give a separate cd with all codecs and nvidia drivers result:total ubuntu killer!!! Ah I guess that's not quite possible but still it should be like whenever a user tries to enable desktop effects it should give the user an option to download restricted drivers instead of showing "desktop effects could not be enabled" (which confuses a new user )

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