At 11:53 AM Monday, 1/21/2008, you wrote -=>
William Case wrote:
Hi Ric;
Just sitting here Sunday morning killing time before I actually do
something useful. Thought I would add my 2¢.
I am religious and I'll add my 2 cents.
In the cultural context that the verse was
written, the name of a god was used to call upon
the power of the god. That's why it was such a
big deal when God revealed his covenant name to Jacob.
When you don't take the cultural context of the
time/region of what it meant to use the name of
a god into your understanding of the passage, you end up mis-interpreting it.
Unfortunately most Bible translations do a poor
job at noting these cultural things in their
footnotes, so all kinds of funny interpretations result.
And all this has exactly what to do with the Fedora OS?
I would like to point out that basic netiquette
dictates off topic discussions be kept
private. I think that would apply to this situation. Please...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.