-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Gene Heskett wrote: | On Saturday 12 January 2008, Craig White wrote: | | Maybe, but I sure aren't the oldest here as I'm only 73. I worked with a guy in Miami that used to say that he was so old that when $Diety said to make it light that he flipped the switch. ;-) | As for Ric, crazy like a fox. Go read his resume. Anyone who wants to do | that stuff has every bone in his body labeled Altruistic. The world needs a | hell of a lot more Ric's. | | Aww, gee. | | That he does, but then I can do so on occasion too. 8-)} | | | Sorry about that, I'm working on that from time to time, then something | doesn't work, like sudo, so I'm right back as root. Make sudo work and I'll | give it another shot. No expert with sudo but seems to be your problem? I'll help if I can. | There ya go again, stereotyping someone who just wants to _use_ his machine. | | | | - -- ~ David -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32) iEYEARECAAYFAkeJG78ACgkQAO0wNI1X4QEeGgCglzi3BSbK1dnSTWDtxtOdiKLs 1NwAn3zJR0sDAzYBPVnl/FN0uNM4PIT7 =UZ+l -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----