> Restrictions to stop abuse, removal of rights by > third parties and > to produce greater freedom. You could say the same > of the US consitution. > After all why should the president not be able to > cancel elections, they > interfere with his freedom to innovate foreign > policy. > 1. Because our president is an idiot, and even if he were not, that would extend beyond his duties.^* 2. Take Venezuela's president as another example, Bush would do the same thing if he could, but he would not admit to it.^* 3. take a careful look at the Patriot Act as well, it infringes on many of the rights that the US Constitution holds to be true because of #1 ^* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA_PATRIOT_Act 4. How in the world could he innovate his foreign policy where very few to none of the nations in the world appreciate him as a world leader? 5. People on this list are very sharp and can add/subtract comments here justifying for/against what are my $0.02 on the president's rights to suspend elections.^* 6. As for GPL restrictions/conditions the licenses are there for serveral reasons, to protect the author's work and for that work to be shared across the board in the advancement of technology so that no one person/corporation controls the code and what you and I can/cannot use. The great thing is that it is "Open Source", http://opensource.org/docs/osd and here you can see all the open source licenses http://opensource.org/licenses *I apologize to all for replying to this thread that should die, because it is not going anywhere and many on this list have better topics to look at. Also it has deviated from the OP's "java problem" Regards, Antonio ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ