Re: Way to temporarily disable plugins in Firefox, when testing site requirements

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Nigel Henry wrote:
From time to time folks are asking to test out a site to see if it works in
Firefox. If you have all the various plugins installed, the site may work ok, but you have no idea as to which of your plugins are making the site work ok, or which plugins are required by the site.
As an example, someone asked to test out a site, and as it so happened I had a 
distro running with no flash-plugin, or Suns JRE installed. The site had 2 
windows with plugin problems. One wanted flash, the other JRE.
Perhaps I might be asking a bit much, but is there some way to temporarily 
disable all the Firefox/Mozilla plugins, so as to check out which plugins a 
particular site requires?
A bit of an academic question, but it would be nice if it was possible.
# firefox --safe-mode disables plugins and themes only for that session.


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