Re: Installing from the 3 DVD fedora 8 "Everything" re-spin [ANSWERED]

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Dean S. Messing wrote:
Dean Messing wrote:
: I just completed the download of the jigdo "Everything" DVD respin for x86_64.
: : FYI, I used the CLI command : : jigdo-lite : : I didn't have the original F8 so I let it download everything (no pun
: intended).  It took about 12 hours running three parallel jigdo's, one
: for each of the 3 DVDs in the respin.
: : Now I have 3 DVD iso images, and I'm wondering how the installer is
: going to treat them.  I've never installed from 3 DVDs, just 1.  I
: mount it on a separate NFS-enabled machine, and point Anaconda to the
: DVD iso image.  Will this work with three DVD's?  I don't recall if
: one can even tell the installer about more than 1.
: : I'm not quite ready to do the install but am just getting my ducks in
: a row for when I am.

Ok, I have egg on my face.  I'm just glad that I discovered it before
you did.  The "everthing respin" is not a respin, just a spin. :-)

If you use the above jigdo link, the stuff inside is from the original
Fedora 7 release, dated 13th November 2007.  So, I've downloaded
alotabits for nothing.  Oh well.  Learned how to jigdo.


Ah well, I wonder if you wound up with proper .iso files or were they .iso.tmp? And it is not clear to me that jigdo is really working for Fedora yet.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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