Re: Fedora 8 user logo

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
Mike wrote:

The KDE Control Center=>System Administration=>Login Manager
is fairly bad, IMHO.
Strange - but it works fine for me on 6 different f8 machines!
Can you add user icons which appear at logon time?
If so, how exactly do you do it?

Also, I've not been able to get an automatic password-less logon
under Fedora-8, as I had under Fedora-7.

Hi Tim I rooted around and found the page that lets me go from boot to up with Thunderbird running. I keep forgetting to set Firefox to turned on too :-)
Go to System-> Admin-> Login Window and give your password and tab to 
security. It works just like F7


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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