Re: how to jigdo download a fedora 8 re-spin in one easy step?

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Tim wrote:
Try a different browser, just in case Firefox (or
Now I have a file that appears to be a respin of F8. It seemed to work fine but the system doesn't want to stop! Instead of stopping it keeps asking for the location of another DVD to read :-)
   But Conrol C stopped it and the file size is what I expected for a 
fully updated F8 3443793697 2007-12-27 15:00 but it is a .iso.tmp file. 
I can fix that.
   I used the jigdo file that rday has on his web page and choose 
number 6 for a i386 DVD which seems to be correct.
   I have been collecting bits of writing and copies of terminal data 
to be part of a new potential Instruction for using Jigdo. It will be 
ready tomorrow I hope.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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