Re: playing DVDs with totem

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Robert P. J. Day wrote:
On Wed, 26 Dec 2007, Abhishek Rane wrote:

Try removing the original totem that came with fedora 8 and installing
totem-xine its great and it plays everything
yum remove totem
then do
yum install totem-xine totem-xine-plparser libdvdcss libdvdnav
that's it !
this seems to have been the advice for quite some time now WRT fedora,
so one has to ask the question -- why does fedora continue to include
such a fundamentally useless player that lasts only as long as it
takes someone to replace it after installation with something that
actually works?


Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry
Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

It is not a useless player if you consider open formats of audio and video..Fedora is ompletely free and opensource..Its for pure opensource lovers for others there are distros like Ubuntu and OSs like windows also AFAIK Ubuntu too comes with totem by default ! (correct me if I am wrong) ...Totem is the default movieplayer in GNOME. totem-xine basically gives totem the ability to play xine based videos.And the other options like libdvdcss etc are just the codecs to play videos which are licensed. Totem is very useful if you are into open codecs as totem has features like TV-OUT,LIRC support et al. Personally i prefer Totem over vlc which is a little difficult (for me) to work with as the keyboard shortcuts of totem just blend with gnome.

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