Re: playing DVDs with totem

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Aaron Konstam escribió:
On Tue, 2007-12-25 at 19:47 +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
On Tuesday 25 December 2007 19:29, Louis E Garcia II wrote:
just received a new DVD and wanted to play it. Fedora8 and totem said I
didn't have the proper plugin. I already have gstreamer-ffmpeg and
gstreamer-plugins-ugly from livna. Is gstreamer-plugins-bad also needed?
I do not want to change to xine or mplayer if possible. This is the
Simpsons Movie and is encrypted so libdvdcss is needed to.

Hi Louis. VLC plays them ok. I've never had any success with totem, and gave up on it.

You need to get rid of totem and install totem-xine. The program still
executes as totem.
Then why is totem still there as a package?

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