I've had problems with ZynAddSubFX on both F7, and F8. It appears to be an fltk problem, so on F8 I've replaced the F8 version of fltk with the one from FC5, and now Zyn works ok. The problem is that Synaptic shows the fc5 version of fltk installed, and is flagged as being upgradeable to the F8 version that I had before. So next time I run apt-get update, and apt-get dist-upgrade the fltk from fc5 which works, is going to be replaced with the current fltk for F8 which doesn't work for me. How do I exclude a specific package from being updated with Apt? I should probably know how to do this by now, as I've been using Apt since FC1, and also on Debian, but I'm a bit clueless at the moment. Thanks for any replies. Nigel.