I have managed to set up NAS to work between two computers so that they play audio from one to the other and vice versa using audemo. However when I then attempt to start Firefox and do the same audio plays on the system firefox is running on rather than the remote system. Specificically what I am trying to do is ssh into an i386 linux 'server' that's always on from my PS3 (running F8) and start Firefox on the i386 system in order to access pandora.com and stream the audio to the PS3. Ideally I'd like to use an SSH key and set up everything as a script so that it's nice and transparent for everyone else; they click on an icon run Firefox and access the website without needing to know anything special is going on. I did some reading and it looks like there was at one point a program (library) called libaudiooss that redirected OSS audio to NAS for applications that were not 'NAS aware'. libaudiooss looks to be dead, besides which, if I am not mistaken flash uses ALSA, so my question at this point is how can I make this work? Right now my solution to accessing and redirecting audio is to access a Windows XP virtual machine running on the same linux server using rdesktop. It works well enough, however having a virtual machine for the sole purpose of accessing one website is a little excessive. (And for those not familiar with any of the involved aspects, the PS3 is a PPC system, there is currently no Flash 9 plugin for PPC, and pandora.com uses Flash 9, so gnash, swfdec, etc. will not work... basically leaving me up a certain creek with no paddle) |